Appen tricks
- 1 minAppen tricks
Variable number of questions
Whatever you want to do with column_name
Add bold
Add this to the javascript:
require(['jquery-noconflict', 'bootstrap-modal', 'bootstrap-tooltip', 'bootstrap-popover', 'jquery-cookie'], function ($) {
Window.implement('$', function (el, nc) {
return, nc, this.document);
var $ = window.jQuery;
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".missed").replaceWith("<div class='alert alert-info alert-block' style='line-height:1.8;font-size:1.4em'><h3><strong>Hmmmm...</strong></h3>Looks like you got a test question incorrect.<br/>Please review the instructions again.</div>");
$("#review-instructions").addClass("collapse in");
Then, bold with this for example for the work number
<span style="color: #1a5d8b"><strong>number</strong></span>